When you are about to get a tattoo done you are advised to ask around and do some research on things related to the tattoo. The same way you need to carry out due diligence before getting your tattoo removed by laser. After all the process of getting a tattoo removed is expensive, time consuming and not completely without risks and side effects.
Here is a list of queries you should raise before getting your tattoo removed:
Will the laser procedure completely remove my tattoo? This should be one of the main questions that you should ask. As you research on this topic you will find that many factors like the color of skin, the age of the skin, the use of colors and the location of the tattoo will affect the efficacy of laser treatments in removing the tattoo. A smaller tattoo or one made of black color or one in areas with more body fat can be easier to remove
How many visits with the entire process take? You need to ask this question to determine the cost and time factors. Plus you need to factor in the pain involved in going through the process of removing the tattoo.
How much time will it take for the tattoo to be completely removed? This is a natural and logical question that follows the ones asked before. You need to get a handle on how much time you will have to realistically invest in this process.
What is the total cost of treatment? Again this naturally follows the rest of the questions you have asked till now. The specialist can give you a really good idea on what you have to expect in terms of cost for the removal of the tattoo. This will of course depend on the dimensions of the tattoo along with the area of the tattoo. Once you have the costs you need to check if the costs quoted are right.
Are you running any special offers or promotions with regard to the treatment process? Many clinics are quite firm on the pricing but there is no harm to putting forth this question. You may end up finding a means to cut down some costs.
Do the lasers that you have, have the capacity to deal with all the hues in my tattoo, even green, yellow and white? The answer to this is important when you have a tattoo that has several colors. It should not so happen that you have to get part removal at one clinic before seeking the services of another one to remove the rest. Determine if the laser tattoo removal specialist can access lasers with different wavelengths to remove all colored inks in your tattoo.
With my dark skin is there chance of pigmentation? There is a small probability of hypo-pigmentation as the removal of the tattoo could lighten your skin for ever. You need read up to find out more and discuss with the specialist.
Do you have the appropriate qualification and experience to do this kind of tattoo removal? Many times you may be a little taken aback by the answer to this question. You need to check on this alleviate the chances of infection and scarring. The person you are looking for should have experience and be a certified laser specialist who also is an expert in dermatology.
Any successful patient testimonials? There is a comfort to knowing that the person working on your tattoo has success stories that are supported by testimonials from the patients themselves.
Once the tattoo is removed, what care should I take? You need to learn the post removal care to ensure that the healing process is complete and without any problems.
Is this covered by insurance? Though the answer will disappoint you there is no harm in finding out.