The lotus flower is a thing of beauty, shining bright as a beautiful symbol of personal growth. Lotus flowers are bright pink and deep red, however many choose to have them inked in grayscale if pink or red is not appropriate. Their gradually opening flower is truly something to behold, and they go well with other tattoos.
Flowers are a popular choice of design for tattoos, and a lotus flower tattoo design is particularly eye-catching. The beauty of a lotus flower tattoo design is that it will look amazing in practically any location on the body, and can be as big or as small as you want it. From a huge lotus flower back tattoo, to a small design on the inner wrist, these tattoos make beautiful and meaningful additions to any body art. They also suit bright, bold colors as well as simple black and gray, so you can fit a lotus flower tattoo in with whatever theme or personal taste you prefer.
A lotus flower tattoo is not just a design that’s attractive to look at, as in addition the lotus flower has a deeply spiritual meaning. It’s an important symbol in Buddhism, and represents enlightenment, purification and faith, as in nature the lotus flower blooms from the depths of muddy waters, and the stage that the lotus flower is at in terms of growth represents the Buddhist’s level of enlightenment. The color of the lotus flower is also important in the Buddhist religion, so why not try a design in one of these colors?
White Lotus Flower
A white flower represents sacred perfection and intellectual purity, so if you think this best characterizes you then try a lotus flower design in white ink over a darker color ink. Do your research first, as some tattoo artists may not have used white ink before so you should make sure that they have experience.
Red Lotus Flower
15. A red flower represents love and compassion, and a lotus flower design in bright, bold red really stands out as a fabulous tattoo.
Blue Lotus Flower
17. A blue flower represents enlightenment through knowledge and intellect, so would look awesome as part of a larger piece. The natural colors and shading of the leaves really allows the flower to take center stage. the surroundings of this tattoos commands you to focus on the beautiful blue flower and diamond.
Pink Lotus Flower
18. A pink flower represents the greatest qualities of Buddha, and will look super feminine and delicate as a tattoo for a woman. the variations of pink allow this piece to come to life.
Purple Lotus Flower
21. A purple flower represents mysticism, and the vivid color of the petals will look dazzling in contrast to a yellow inner heart.
Lotus Flower on Water
In Hinduism the lotus flower is also a very important spiritual symbol, and like in Buddhism its ability to surface from murky waters also characterizes spiritual rebirth. Choosing your design to include water as a background not only looks fantastic, it also gives a deeper spiritual meaning to your tattoo. As lotus flowers are water flowers, a design of a flower or number of flowers on water is a well-established choice, and if you’re going for blue-colored waves then you can select a great contrasting color for the lotus flower itself; red, pink, orange or yellow would all look great.
Matching Lotus Flowers
In Chinese culture the lotus flower stands for love, trust and harmony between two people, so having matching lotus flower tattoos with a loved-one could be a very special way of cementing your relationship. You could also have a matching pair tattooed on yourself, for example on either side of the stomach; to symbolize the meaning another person has to you.
Open Lotus Flower
A tattoo of a lotus flower traditionally shows each of the many petals of the flower open, displaying the delicate heart, but you can choose to have a lotus flower bud or a half closed flower if you prefer.
38. 39.
40. This is a really painful spot to get a tattoo. with all of the bone and lack of muscle, you would feel the needle rattle your bones for sure. This tattoo is wonderfully symmetrical and the detail on the pedals really bring it all together. this tattoo artist did a great job of bringing out the beauty of a flower while keeping the piece black and grey.
41. White ink is becoming more and more popular but has yet to catch on with the main stream tattoo lovers. This piece was done beautifully and demonstrates the right way to use white ink. This piece really captures the beauty of a flower by being subtle yet beautiful.
Japanese Design
Lotus flowers look great as part of a larger, Japanese style design, either with other flowers and plants or on a backdrop of waves or clouds. Japanese dragon tattoos look amazing and powerful with some strategically placed lotus flowers as a background, and would look perfect as a full- or half-sleeve tattoo.
Whether you choose a lotus flower tattoo purely for aesthetic reasons or to demonstrate deeper, more spiritual side, the different options for the final design are countless, as these marvelous designs show.
On the lotus flower design 78 .. what does the sanskrit mean thats on there?