Peony as a flower is much admired by those who love gardening. This is so because it can bloom anywhere and the larger and more fragrant flowers do not take much time to blossom. People love that this pretty flower is so beautiful and also hardy. This makes it one of the most sought after tattoo designs. It also helps that among Asians, Peonies represents love, romance and prosperity. All this portents a good marriage with all the right accompaniments
Plus the peony flower lends itself easily to be a tattoo design or as part of one with other elements which could include the colorful and picturesque koi fish, the holy and revered dragon or the brave and majestic lion. Based on the other elements included along with the peony, it will be determined whether the design is more suitable for a man or a woman. When looked at as a design element by itself you will find that the peony is a really versatile and colorful subject.
Peony tattoo featuring mauve petals:: The shade of the petals work rather well with the green of the leaves and the layering effect will depict the petals as having some depth making for a more realistic looking tattoo. You can make the tattoo look even better by varying the shades that you apply to the inner portion of the flower in a lighter one and the shading on the outer portion in a darker shade. The tattoo design can be tweaked depending on which part of the body you are going to get it on.
Depiction of the Peony on Elbow: This sort of design will make the flower as if it is going to bloom and add an extra dimension to the tattoo. You can make the tattoo look even more picturesque by adding other elements to the tattoo. Or you could even go with a bunch of flowers instead of a single flower.
The peony tattoo on Ashley Simpson’s wrist: This one has garnered a lot of attention for the actual design as well as the stories surrounding the circumstances in which she got it. The rumors suggest that she was a little under the influence of alcohol when she got the tattoo done and other rumors deny this story. The tattoo itself is well done though some may feel that the design is too large for a small part of the body like the wrist. This means you do not get to appreciate the complete and utter beauty of the tattoo design.
There have been suggestions that such tattoos should be higher on the arm when the tattoo is of a larger size. This way you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the entire design.
Peony tattoo on the back: The back is a great place for placing a flower as you can make it as large or as small as you want to. You can go the whole hog and go for an artistically placed bunch of flowers. The addition of some artistic foliage surrounding the flowers will make the whole tattoo pop. One can use the back as an appropriate canvas when it comes to larger tattoo designs.
Peony Tattoo on the shoulder: Another body part that does justice to the peony is the shoulder area. The skin on this part of the body lends itself to being the perfect canvas for a peony. You can work the flower design to settle in well with the contours of the shoulder to make the design look really good. The addition of some lines around the flower when properly done can really make the flower look even better.
Some of the ways that the peony is drawn in tattoos has been described here: